Groupwork Centre Blog

The man who placed process at the heart of groupwork

Arnold Mindell Psychologist, therapist, group worker, author 1 January 1940 – 10 June 2024 A tribute by Jim Buckell and Gini Gough Facilitators the world over have drawn on the groundbreaking work of a giant in the field of psychology, Arny Mindell, who died at the age of 84 last month. Many of our Groupwork […]

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When a facilitator became a senator

Groupwork graduate, facilitator and community activist Janet Rice recently retired from the federal parliament. We asked her to reflect on how she was able to put her facilitation skills to use in the Senate. It’s now almost two months since I finished life as a senator, after 10 years in the job. When I was […]

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What’s teen sex got to do with it?

Collaboration, says the meme, is a bit like teenage sex: “Everyone is talking about it. Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it. Those who are doing it, aren’t doing it very well. Despite that, everyone says how good it feels.” Spot on! It’s funny (and, let’s be honest, salacious) to think about collaboration in this […]

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Our Advanced Program for 2024 is bigger and better

We’ve launched our Advanced Facilitation course for 2024 with updates designed to deepen  the learning experience. The course has evolved significantly in the past few years, adapting to online delivery during the pandemic and now returning to a blended format. This course still rests strongly on its foundations,  guiding participants  to develop the competence, confidence […]

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Virtual heat – Facilitating tricky social media conversations

Many of our group interactions and encounters happen within social media platforms these days. Depending on the forum, there is often a set of rules that members sign up to when they join the group and there are “admins” or “moderators” who have the job of addressing problems and complaints raised by members. We’ve noticed […]

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How I was frozen out of a group process

What’s going on when our basic needs in a group are overlooked? Hala Abdelnour runs a temperature check over a recent chilling experience. It was the first morning of the first day of a five-day residential program. We participants were sitting in the usual horseshoe formation budding with the excitement, angst and nerves that sprout […]

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Embracing discomfort on our facilitator’s journey

At the midway point of our revamped advanced facilitation program, Henry Fowkes reflects on the learnings – for participants and educators We’ve just completed the third module in our Advanced Facilitation Course, and what a journey it’s been. The setting for this immersive experience was the earthy CERES in Melbourne, a backdrop that perfectly complemented […]

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