Conflict resolution

Addressing conflict can be scary and challenging. If you’re dealing with group conflict, an outside facilitator can help you work through difficulties and move forward.

Our group facilitators are experts at conflict resolution.

We focus on creating safe spaces where people can hear and be heard.

We’ve run hundreds of conflict resolutions at organisations around Australia.

Our conflict resolution process

Our conflict resolution service is a specialty of ours, and it’s been thoroughly road-tested over more than three decades. We call it ‘clearing’. Here’s how it works:

  • We ask participants to give the process a go.

    This includes:

    • Talking about their own experiences, feelings and perspectives

    • Coming in good faith to try and reach a mutually agreeable outcome

    • Only talking about matters that are relevant to the purpose of this particular session

  • At the beginning of the session, the group works on a set of agreements that will guide their behaviour throughout the process.

    The facilitator must set up a safe space for people to talk about their feelings and experiences. Without safety, you can’t have genuine participation.

  • The group listens to one person contributing their experience and feelings.

    They do this without being interrupted or corrected. It’s really important that people feel genuinely heard. Not agreed with – just well-heard.

  • These views are then summarised and reflected back by the participants present.

    This is where good facilitation is particularly important. Rather than adding in new information or perspectives, group members need to simply reflect back what they heard the contributor express. They don’t need to agree, but they need to show that they understand the feelings and experiences that have been expressed.

  • The process is repeated until everyone feels heard.

    The facilitator ensures that each person who wants to contribute their experience has the opportunity to share their perspective with the group.

  • We look at other factors that may have contributed.

    Often there are bigger picture or environmental factors that contribute to the conflict. It’s important to bring these into the middle too.

  • After everyone feels heard, the group decides together what, if any, sticking points remain, and what remedies might be used to overcome them.

    These might include:

    • further agreements;

    • apologies; or

    • adjustments to current practices.

  • Set a time to review what’s been agreed on.

    This is a vital step that many people don’t realise is needed. Our facilitators make sure that everyone agrees to when you’ll look at what steps have been taken and how effective they’ve been.

Outcomes of conflict resolution service

This is a remarkably simple yet powerful process. It allows open and honest communication and the safe expression of often pent-up feelings. Equally importantly, it allows others to reflect on how their behaviour may have contributed to situations or events that gave rise to those feelings. These breakthroughs create the space to find a mutually agreeable resolution.

At the Groupwork Centre, our conflict resolution facilitators have years of experience in recognising and working through tension or conflict, from subtle powerplays to outright challenges.

Our expertise enables us to create safe spaces where people can hear and be heard across strong differences, building solutions together.

We’ll help move you from conflict to collaboration.

Why work with us?

“As I was personally involved in the session, I strongly feel that I am able to communicate with the team better, and I feel like there's an overall feeling of comfort with each other that wasn't present prior to the session.” 

George, Executive support - Climate Change sector

Ready for a simple yet powerful approach to
conflict resolution?

Or contact us with questions

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