Facilitation Training Short Course

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Next Course 20 August-21 August 2024 Book Now

A skilled facilitator will draw out the wisdom, creating great outcomes for everyone.

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Do you need skills in facilitating groups?

How often do you feel overwhelmed, bored or impatient when running or attending a meeting? Many people given the role of facilitator, without support or training, do their best to prepare by organising the time, venue and list of issues to discuss – then hope the rest will fall into place.

Facilitation of meetings is a craft. And there is a lot to it! Using good quality processes with self-awareness and emotional resilience makes a powerful difference when you facilitate any group. Great facilitators give people the opportunity to focus on the purpose of the group while having fun along the way. This shifts the energy to a collaborative approach, where people support the decisions they helped to create. Read more: What makes for good facilitation?

Why with us?

We are internationally recognised as leaders in the field of facilitation education and training, having established this work in 1984. This 2 day course, derived from our Advanced Group Facilitation Program, is consistently booked out.

We give you a practical, well-framed approach to build skills, self-awareness and confidence.

We differ from most communications skills courses in our approach to emotional intelligence – what we prefer to call emotional resilience. Challenges can be handled much more effectively when you understand what holds you back as a facilitator.

What will you learn?

Our training is orientated towards your learning needs. We welcome your challenges and aspirations into the training.  This provides opportunity to practice your learning in situations most meaningful to you. During our two day course, you can develop:

  • Practical facilitation: group processes and the skills required to apply them
  • Confidence and compassion to work well with groups
  • Ability to harness the wisdom of the group, maximising participation
  • Capacity to create groupness and psychological safety
  • Self-awareness
  • Emotional resilience
  • Skills to make meetings work well
  • Capacity to manage hotspots and tricky bits

This training is versatile and can be applied to all facilitation areas; organisational, community engagement and therapeutic. Facilitating is like swimming: you can’t learn without getting in the water – so jump in. The world needs good facilitators.

View course outline and training content here

We support you after training, too

We include a comprehensive online follow-up program to further develop your skills with a framework for reflection and extended learning.  This increases the ‘stickability’ of your learning. Our post-course support includes:

  • Your training group as an ongoing resource to share real-life stories, successes and challenges
  • Task-setting for you to create a plan, working on current workplace/personal challenges
  • Opportunity for you to create an action plan to continue developing your facilitation skills
  • Self-care and professional development info



Online: September four half days (9.30am – 1.00pm) – non consecutive.

Face to Face: Two days (9:30am – 5:00pm) consecutive.


  • All workshop materials and resources, including your Facilitation Skills Training booklet
  • Hot Spots and Tricky Bits – Facilitation Training (download/online)
  • PDF version of Getting Our Act Together: How to harness the power of groups an essential resource for facilitators and collaborative leaders

Venue:  Online (we use Zoom) and for Face to Face at Groupwork Centre training rooms, all located within the inner suburbs of Melbourne exact location advised.

See our Privacy and Refund Policies

Front cover image of a great resource book for facilitators, including an image of diverse hand-drawn figures in a circle and the title of the book: Getting Our Act Together: How to harness the power of groups

Our approach to training

We create an environment where you can look at your work practices with safety and lightness. Our work is lively, experiential and practical – and fosters your emotional resilience, which we see a key point of difference in our program to many other training providers.

A large part of the program is devoted to practicing your skills using situations you want to work on. We encourage you to bring real-life examples, and allow time to address individual needs and issues you face in the workplace. And we have a bit of fun along the way!

We hope you can join us.

Held at Groupwork Centre training room inner Melbourne TBC & Online.
See more about our delightful spaces for training.

Pricing Information

Group bookings discount

Group Discount available:  We offer 10% off full price when 2 or more people from an organisation book into the same dates for this course. For each participant booking, in the Coupon field, please enter the word TEN , then click on Apply to receive your discounted total.

Payment via Direct Transfer

If you prefer to pay by direct transfer into our account, please use the following information:

Account Name: Groupwork Centre Inc BSB 013 375 Account No 4193-55011

Paying by invoice

Please complete the information fields above, then click on Make Booking. We will email your tax invoice to you.

Refund Policy

Upon enrolment, you agree to the cost of this course. All course fees are to be paid prior to the course commencement date.

A 100% refund of the fees paid will be given when we receive notice of your cancellation more than one calendar month prior to the commencement date. If a cancellation is received within the calendar month prior to the commencement date, and your place within the course can be replaced, your fees will be refunded less a $50 administration fee. If your place cannot be filled then your course fee will be forfeited.

If you have any questions about the payment process or the course, please contact us.

  • Price: $1,310

    inc GST
Next Course 20 August-21 August 2024 Book Now