Groupwork Centre Blog articles categorised 'Facilitation resources'

What’s teen sex got to do with it?

Collaboration, says the meme, is a bit like teenage sex: “Everyone is talking about it. Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it. Those who are doing it, aren’t doing it very well. Despite that, everyone says how good it feels.” Spot on! It’s funny (and, let’s be honest, salacious) to think about collaboration in this […]

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Our Advanced Program for 2024 is bigger and better

We’ve launched our Advanced Facilitation course for 2024 with updates designed to deepen  the learning experience. The course has evolved significantly in the past few years, adapting to online delivery during the pandemic and now returning to a blended format. This course still rests strongly on its foundations,  guiding participants  to develop the competence, confidence […]

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What we are reading, viewing and listening to – June 23

The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups By Daniel Coyle rh business books We all want the groups we work with to buzz. US writer Daniel Coyle’s research on the recipe for success is so chockers with valuable tips and insights it’s hard to put down. Here’s a few startling revelations. Kinder kids […]

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A Snag In Collaborative Decision Making

At its best, Collaborative Decision Making is so 3D.  It’s about pooling ALL inputs and then together figuring out what’s best to do. Yet a snag we can hit is precedent.  People’s contribution to Collaborative Decision Making can be held back because of precedent, that we should continue as we have been OR, if we […]

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Connection before content – making online learning enriching!

As I search the phrase “Zoom fatigue”, I am unsurprisingly horrified when almost ten million results arrive! This phrase, barely whispered before the pandemic, is now widely used to describe the exhaustion from attending too many online meetings. So as facilitators and educators, how can we reduce this pixelated fatigue and create engaging and energising […]

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The top five things that go wrong in meetings and how to fix them

Meetings matter. It’s here we bring people together to make decisions, set directions and find out what’s going on. Alongside their role as an engine room that drives our organisation or team, meetings are also places where we establish and maintain the culture of the group. If that culture is troubled, inevitably tensions surface when […]

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