Groupwork Centre Blog articles categorised 'Management Gems'

When a facilitator became a senator

Groupwork graduate, facilitator and community activist Janet Rice recently retired from the federal parliament. We asked her to reflect on how she was able to put her facilitation skills to use in the Senate. It’s now almost two months since I finished life as a senator, after 10 years in the job. When I was […]

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What’s teen sex got to do with it?

Collaboration, says the meme, is a bit like teenage sex: “Everyone is talking about it. Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it. Those who are doing it, aren’t doing it very well. Despite that, everyone says how good it feels.” Spot on! It’s funny (and, let’s be honest, salacious) to think about collaboration in this […]

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How I was frozen out of a group process

What’s going on when our basic needs in a group are overlooked? Hala Abdelnour runs a temperature check over a recent chilling experience. It was the first morning of the first day of a five-day residential program. We participants were sitting in the usual horseshoe formation budding with the excitement, angst and nerves that sprout […]

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Embracing discomfort on our facilitator’s journey

At the midway point of our revamped advanced facilitation program, Henry Fowkes reflects on the learnings – for participants and educators We’ve just completed the third module in our Advanced Facilitation Course, and what a journey it’s been. The setting for this immersive experience was the earthy CERES in Melbourne, a backdrop that perfectly complemented […]

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What we are reading, viewing and listening to – August 23

Living Democracy: An Ecological Manifesto for the End of the World As We Know It By Tim Hollo New South Publishing, 2022 As facilitators and collaborators we tend to focus on our workplaces, our households and the community groups we belong to. But what if we scaled up and applied the principles of connection, participation […]

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What we are reading, viewing and listening to – June 23

The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups By Daniel Coyle rh business books We all want the groups we work with to buzz. US writer Daniel Coyle’s research on the recipe for success is so chockers with valuable tips and insights it’s hard to put down. Here’s a few startling revelations. Kinder kids […]

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Bagpipes raise the temperature to boiling point

The penetrating sound of bagpipes can’t fail to grab your attention. There’s something undeniably formidable about this Scottish way of announcing, “Hear me roar. Are ye fool enough to compete with me?” Eek. No way! When a lone piper pierced the cloying summer air outside the venue where my colleague Sarah Norton and I were […]

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Good foundations build strong houses

When we’re discussing providing facilitation services with new clients there can sometimes be push back about the time we devote to setting up the activity, to establishing the group. Clients will usually defer to our judgement and experience, but sometimes hesitantly, concerned that it might not be within their normal culture and practise.  Afterwards there […]

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Workplace Relations – A key work area in your team?

We all have our own understanding of what creates good teamwork and good relationships at work, but sometimes we can get stuck when others don’t think the same way! In some organisations it may sound controversial to include ‘workplace relations’ as a ‘Key Work Area’ in work plans. We at Groupwork Centre think it is […]

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Meet our Community – Ash Alluri

My name is Ashwini Alluri, and I work as a Principal Social Innovator at The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI). I’m passionate about influencing, enabling and leaving behind a just and sustainable world. I completed the Groupwork Centre’s year-long Advanced Group Facilitation Program in mid-2020.  An extended and applied learning experience like this gave […]

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Meet our Community – Kate Sulan

I graduated from the Advanced Diploma of Group Facilitation in 2018. I work as a performance maker, director, teacher and facilitator. I am the founding artistic director of Rawcus and have led the theatre company for 22 years. Rawcus is an award-winning ensemble of 14 performers with diverse bodies, minds and imaginations. Together we create […]

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Meet Our Community – James Seow

James Seow I wear many hats in the community development, engagement, cross-cultural leadership, diversity, social inclusion and equity, and LGBTIQA+ empowerment sectors. I am a Senior Project Officer at Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), and a Research Officer and Group Facilitator at Monash University and Alfred Health. As an Associate Program Director […]

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A Snag In Collaborative Decision Making

At its best, Collaborative Decision Making is so 3D.  It’s about pooling ALL inputs and then together figuring out what’s best to do. Yet a snag we can hit is precedent.  People’s contribution to Collaborative Decision Making can be held back because of precedent, that we should continue as we have been OR, if we […]

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