Groupwork Centre Blog

Janoel Liddy

Janoel is an engaging and experienced facilitator, learning designer and trainer, having worked with individuals and groups in TAFE, schools, university and organisations for over 20 years.

As an Associate of the Groupwork Centre, Janoel’s work as a facilitatory educator is underpinned by her firm belief in restorative practice and trauma-informed awareness.

Currently Manager of the Project Ready program at Central Ranges Local Learning and Employment Network, Janoel provides professional development and support to trainers and teachers delivering the program in secondary schools across Victoria. Janoel is also a member of the small but international Celebration Day for Girls training and leadership team, training new facilitators internationally and developing new programs for in-person and online learning.

As well as training others in trauma-informed, facilitation skills, Janoel has delivered programs in puberty and wellbeing, gender equity and social justice for primary and secondary students, business and not-for-profit organisations.

She’s really quite friendly, loves dancing and bushwalking – and is a neuroscience nerd. All of Janoel’s group work features holding a safe space with a bit of fun, because people learn best when they feel good (evidence-based fact).

Adv Dip Group Facilitation, BA (Monash), Grad Cert Training Mgmt, Cert IV in Training and Assesment TAE40116, Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid.

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