Embracing discomfort on our facilitator's journey

We've just completed the third module in our Advanced Facilitation Course, and what a journey it's been. The setting for this immersive experience was the earthy CERES in Melbourne, a backdrop that perfectly complemented the deep explorations we undertook during these three days together.

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Stop the train, I want to get off!

I worked with a client recently who turned up at my session with a heightened energy, unable to focus on one thing at a time – it felt quite stressful! She was completely task-focused. The list of her responsibilities was so long (work, family, community etc) she felt completely overwhelmed.

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Meet our Community - Lee Archer

After a long period working in the public service and community sector, I’ve been consulting for the last few years. I’m lucky to have work come to me, and I’ll often do shortish employment contracts along the way.  The ability to combine self-directed consultancy work alongside structured traditional employment works like magic for me – I love to pick and choose the work that I like, combined with the rigour of traditional workplaces. Lucky me! I mostly work in disability policy and elder abuse, but I’ll give anything a go.

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