Jim Buckell Jim Buckell

A parable for our times

Tim Winton's latest novel Juice is big and bold – ambitious in scope, harsh in tone and ruthless in every way imaginable.

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Tom Rowland Tom Rowland

Stories are sacred

Revealing something about ourselves to a group is a gift. How do we ensure these contributions are honoured?

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Tom Rowland Tom Rowland

Leading remote teams

Virginia Gough reflects on ways to help colleagues who are geographically dispersed to coalesce as a team

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Tom Rowland Tom Rowland

The personality trap

Navigating challenging encounters is tough. Ease into it by focusing on the behaviour, not the person.

By Jim Buckell

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Tom Rowland Tom Rowland

Great minds think creatively

Our aversion to difference is an evolutionary protection that no longer serves us well. The rewards are immense if we can let it go

By Steve Ray

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Daryl Hergt Daryl Hergt

When a facilitator became a senator

Groupwork graduate, facilitator and community activist Janet Rice recently retired from the federal parliament. We asked her to reflect on how she was able to put her facilitation skills to use in the Senate.

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Daryl Hergt Daryl Hergt

What’s teen sex got to do with it?

Collaboration, says the meme, is a bit like teenage sex:
“Everyone is talking about it. Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it. Those who are doing it, aren’t doing it very well. Despite that, everyone says how good it feels.”

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Daryl Hergt Daryl Hergt

Should I say something?

As facilitators, we spend a lot of time with groups. Still, no matter how well we read the room, it can still be easy to overlook the challenges and feelings that can arise for a participant in any group. Spending time as a participant – with someone else facilitating – helps us better understand the dynamics of the group from their perspective.

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