Collaborative decision-making
Decision-making sits at the centre of every organisation. When we do this collaboratively, we create solutions that are owned and that stick. Effective collaborative decision-making is the hallmark of a high-functioning team or organisation.
The process we use pools the insight and wisdom of all those involved. It embraces difference as the catalyst for creativity and arrives at sound decisions that work for all.
Our collaborative decision-making process
Getting from ‘discussion’ to decision.
At Groupwork Centre we have devised our own collaborative decision-making model. It provides a clear framework that supports groups to navigate the often tricky territory of finding a solution to a problem or issue. Implementing this framework requires strong facilitation that supports groups through potential ‘hot spots’, difference and ‘the muddy middle’.
We define collaborative decision making as: the process of eliciting, hearing and pooling all the ideas and feelings involved in an issue, ensuring that everybody has heard these, then discussing the various options and narrowing them down to a decision that serves us well.
Read about our process below.
An issue is brought to the meeting or group.
This may be in the form of a ‘solution’ that needs to be translated back into a question or issue.
What is the issue?
What are the parameters/non-negotiables?
What are we trying to decide here?
Do we need background information to make the decision?
What is our mandate? Are we making a decision or recommendation?
Sharing how we feel about the issue.
Pooling ideas - and building on one another’s ideas.
Synthesising ideas.
Separating areas of agreement and disagreement
Narrowing the discussion to focus on areas of disagreement, doubts or confusions.
Forming a proposal when it looks like agreement is likely
Testing it
Name the agreement that has been reached.
If an agreement hasn’t yet been reached we return to discussion.
Record and decide who will do what by when.
Who needs to be informed? How will this be done?
Outcomes of collaborative decision-making
Many of the groups we have worked with find this process helps them step through their decision-making more smoothly. It reassures people that they can get through the process and reach a shared solution.
Ownership and greater collaboration are key outcomes when decisions are made by ‘bringing everyone along’. Collaborative decision-making cohesion and a stronger team.
We use practical, simple processes that work.
They are unique, highly accessible and thoroughly road tested. We’ve been using them to help our clients meet their needs since 1984.
Our Melbourne facilitators have extensive experience working with groups and individuals in small and large businesses, government and non-proft organisations.
We’ll help you build a collaborative culture where people can thrive.
Why work with us?
“Adaptive Cultures work in the business of helping clients transform culture and often that involves building capacity for difficult conversations. We hired Steve for our team offsites to ‘practise what we preach’ and build our capacity to communicate more effectively within our team. Although we started in a good place in having difficult conversations Steve's work took it to the next level.
This means we are delivering better results for our clients through more streamlined decision-making and healthier internal relationships in our team.”
Dr Alex Stol, Adaptive Cultures