Embedded Support

Ongoing guidance, training and support to transform your organisation or initiative at the strategic level.

Embedded support enables you to integrate the principles and practices of conscious collaboration into the daily fabric and structure of your organisation or initiative.

What is embedded support?

Embedded support is tailored to the unique context of your organisation or initiative and is focused on building a culture of conscious collaboration over time.

We walk alongside your initiative / organisation to provide uniquely tailored, flexible and responsive support to create the impact you want to see.

Support typically takes the form of coaching, advising, developing skills, enabling cultural change, and facilitating learning.

It's about not just offering help from the outside, but embedding practices within your organisation's structure and processes to facilitate lasting change and growth.

Read on for examples of embedded support.

Examples of embedded support

  • Developing leaders and managers who prioritise and model collaborative behavior is essential for building a culture of conscious collaboration.

    Embedded support in this area may involve collaborative leadership training, coaching, providing opportunities for leaders to practice and refine their collaboration abilities, and fostering a supportive environment for leadership collaboration through collaborative leadership practice circles.

  • Embedding collaborative practices into onboarding programs ensures that new employees are introduced to the organisation's culture of collaboration from the outset.

    This may include orientation sessions focused on values alignment, team ways of working, self-awareness, communication skills and other collaborative practices for new hires; and integrating collaborative tools, platforms and ways of working into the onboarding process.

  • Strategic planning involves integrating collaborative practices into the process of setting long-term vision, purpose, aims and objectives for your organisation.

    This could include conducting collaborative workshops or retreats where key stakeholders come together to identify strategic priorities, develop action plans, and define measures of success collaboratively.

  • Once strategic goals are established, we can help your teams translate your strategy into actionable plans at the operational level.

    This may involve facilitating collaborative planning sessions within departments or teams to define specific tasks, allocate resources, and establish timelines for achieving strategic objectives.

  • With operation plans developed, helping people to see their roles and objectives within the plan can be achieved through performance management and supervision.

    We can tailor our supervision and performance management approach to your organisation or help you to strengthen your existing approach.

  • We can work with your new teams or project teams to develop shared goals, ways of working and ensure there is role clarity.

    We can also help create a shared language and culture around collaboration and establish trust as a way to set up strong foundations to get the work done.

  • Once teams are formed, ongoing support is necessary to help them develop into high-performing teams.

    Embedded support may include providing coaching and training on team dynamics, conflict resolution, and effective communication strategies. Additionally, fostering a culture of psychological safety within teams, where members feel comfortable taking risks and sharing ideas, is essential for promoting collaboration and innovation.

  • Embedding collaborative practices into ongoing learning and development initiatives ensures that employees have opportunities to continually enhance their collaboration skills.

    In addition to our foundational collaborative leadership training we can deliver workshops on effective teamwork, collaborative decision making, providing resources and tools for collaborative problem-solving, and facilitating learning experiences or peer learning circles.

  • Establishing internal practice/learning circles can create communities of practice dedicated to fostering collaboration within the organisation.

    These networks or circles may meet regularly to share best practices, exchange ideas, and provide mutual support and encouragement in implementing collaborative initiatives.

If you are interested in working with us to embed collaborative practices into your organisation, reach out and one of our associates will step you through the process of identifying the best solution for you.

How will it work?

“The Groupwork supervision model has given me both the transformative and practical framework and tools to be a great leader and manager. This has been the best training I have ever done. I use the tools daily - both in work and life, and this is why the course is so powerful. If you want the skills and deep knowledge to be a self aware manager and leader, this is the course. It is life transforming."

Gilbert Rochecouste, Managing Director, Village Well

We use practical, simple processes that work.

They are unique, highly accessible and thoroughly road tested. We’ve been using them to help our clients meet their needs since 1984.

Our Melbourne facilitators have extensive experience working with groups and individuals in small and large businesses, government and non-proft organisations.

We’ll help you build a collaborative culture where people can thrive.

Why work with us?

Ready for a simple yet powerful approach to
building cultures of collaboration?

Or contact us with questions

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