Alumni Network

Stay connected. Keep growing.

The network for facilitators and collaboration specialists

The Groupwork Alumni Network is a place to stay connected and to keep learning and growing with peers.

As part of the network you have access to alumni-only events. And the opportunity to share your own skills and experience with others.

Check out our events below.

Alumni events

Have you trained with us? Then these events are for you.

Register for the opportunity to keep reflecting, learning and growing together.

Facilitators’ Practice Circles

FPCs provide a space to explore facilitation and collaboration challenges, reflect on our work, refresh skills and try out new approaches or frameworks … Whatever the group brings! Topics are generally assigned in advance of FPCs, but from time to time we facilitate an ‘open’ FPC in which all topics/challenges are welcomed.

Advanced and one-off workshops

Workshops on advanced or niche facilitation and collaborative leadership topics.

Heart to Heart Conversations

This is a space for us to have conversations on Big Topics that matter to us as facilitators in the world at this time. In the past these have included the challenges of cancel culture, and our reflections on the Voice referendum. Participants may be asked to read an article or watch a video to inform conversations and we welcome topics of interest from our Alumni

Alumni suggestions

Got something you'd like to say? An idea you'd like to share? A learning need?

Let us know and we'll be in touch.

Upcoming courses
