Facilitation services

Our approach supports people to listen deeply across differences; build understanding; and pool perspectives to reach collaborative and creative outcomes. 

We recognise that emotions are always at play, and we support people and groups to interact with compassion and awareness.

With high-quality facilitation, challenging dynamics can become opportunities to boost connection, effectiveness and innovation.

We provide facilitation and advisory services to help you in the following areas and more.

  • Team building & forming

    Creating efficient and collaborative teams requires space for connection and reflection. We support teams to solidify common values and ways of working, to build rapport and to evolve together.

    We devise processes to suit your team’s unique circumstances, whether it’s a new group, or a team working through change or challenge.

  • Conflict resolution

    Our experiened faciitators guide participants through a step-by-step process to hear one another across differences; foster understanding; and develop actionable pathways forward.

    Whether in a workplace, community or organisational setting, the support of a neutral facilitator and structured process helps parties to navigate conflict in constructive ways.

  • Embedded support

    Embedded support is focused on building and integrating a culture of conscious collaboration within your organisation.

    We walk alongside your initiative or organisation over time to provide tailored, flexible and responsive support to create the impact you want to see. Embedded support can span workplace training and facilitation support, through to organisational diagnostics and coaching.

  • Strategic planning

    Need strategic clarity and a roadmap to achieve your goals? We focus on collaborative planning that builds collective ownership and cohesive action.

    Our simple strategic planning approach focuses on enhancing collaboration and buy-in. We help you pool the wisdom and aspirations within your organisation to chart a robust way forward.

  • Collaborative decision-making

    Decision-making processes are often marked by conflicting priorities, differences of opinion and complexity. It’s often at this point that groups get stuck.

    Our facilitators step your group through a structured process to gain clarity on the relevant factors at play, to hear one another across difference, to pool insight, and ultimately to make wise decisions.

  • Community engagement

    Professional facilitation can foster inclusivity, effective communication and transparency in your community engagement process.

    Our experienced facilitators support participants to navigate difference, diversity and conflict in positive ways. By pooling perspectives your engagement processes can build relationships and reach shared outcomes.

We design with you

We work with you to design sessions that meet your unique needs and context.

Send an inquiry and we will contact you to discuss your needs and provide a proposal for your consideration.

From our clients