Want to transform your triggers into useful actions? Try Sociodrama

How many times do you look back on a moment where you were in the hot seat and things didn't go well - you play it over and over in your mind and want to go back and do it better?You know all the theory about responding calmly and not reacting from fear or anger - but somehow the words don't come out. Or they come out all wrong.Let me talk to you about a powerful group process that can help you unpack those moments and give you the capacity for choice in future tricky situations.To hear about sociodrama, watch this 3.5-minute chat to get a feel for what it's like:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRO0PmaYUu0I remember the first time I did a sociodrama - I was blown away by the breakthroughs I got about how I operate from what seemed like a fairly simple group action process. I was so moved that I went on to study it in depth and now facilitate sociodrama masterclasses for people to experience them and even learn how to incorporate them into their own work with groups.Anyone who's done our year-long courses in facilitation or collaborative leadership will tell you sociodramas are profoundly moving - and importantly, you remember the learnings because you experience the process.You don't need to be the person in the centre of the process to benefit. That's the strength of groupwork - so often we can see aspects of ourselves when others share what's going on for them.You may know that all our work is centred around people having the emotional resilience to be authentic, feeling safe to contribute their best and deeply hear each other. Sociodrama is a fast-track way to develop your skills in HOW to do it - even when your triggers and alarm bells are going off.And if you're up for the adventure, I'll be offering a sociodrama masterclass at the delightful Groupwork Centre training rooms on 5-6 June! This is work I'm really passionate about - I've seen the transformations it can bring again and again. So if you're tempted to invest in your personal development, I urge you to follow your instinct!Feel free to get in touch with me to find out more.Warm regardsSarah


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Free Webinar: How to create a bold and dynamic team Tue 23/4 at 12.30pm