Free Webinar: How to create a bold and dynamic team Tue 23/4 at 12.30pm

Kate isn’t looking forward to her next team meeting. She can already imagine the flat atmosphere, people leaning back in their chairs, carefully avoiding eye contact with each other. Silently, she curses her predecessor, the team’s manager for the last five years. Their ‘command and control’ style of micro-managing maintained a culture where people don’t listen to each other and no-one’s motivated to try anything new.Within this team of seven health care professionals, everyone has different levels of experience, skills and time in the organisation. But that’s not her biggest challenge. In her first few weeks on the job, she’s seen no evidence of trust or solidarity:

  • People aren’t sharing resources, stories of mistakes, learnings or new ideasStaff are polite, but don’t seem to enjoy their work muchNo-one’s talking about how to better service clientsHigh absenteeism is affecting the team’s capacity to meet deadlines.

 Sound familiar?Here’s the thing: technical skills development won’t help here. What Kate needs is to give them the awareness and tools to work well together, to arrive at better outcomes and enjoy doing it.When I train leaders, our focus is on creating a culture where you can help team members value each other’s input and bring out the best in each person. With this, you benefit from the wisdom of everyone in the team and get the results you want.I’m really excited to be offering an online training event to share some practical processes for collaborative leadership with you. They’re so straightforward that you can use them in your next conversation – and they’ll probably make life easier and more enjoyable, too.Join me for our very first free webinar on collaborative leadership. We'll be looking at what you can do to get your team shining and how it makes your life a whole lot easier when they do!

Free webinar: How to create a bold and dynamic team

Online training event:Tues 23 April, 12.30pm – 1.25pm (Melbourne, EST)

Click here to register

Warm regardsSteve


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