Groupwork Centre’s Microskills Card Deck

For those of you who still reach into the “deck of microskill cards” that exist within your heads, or perhaps in your notebook from one of the courses you have done with Groupwork, here now, is the REAL thing!

Ever wanted a deck of Microskill cards – here they are!We’ve produced a physical card-deck of 10 of the most popular microskills. These can become a vital tool to help you practice your facilitation before you brave the dynamics in the next group you find yourself working with.  The Microskills Cards may also be  helpful as you contemplate your next ‘courageous conversation’ with your boss, boyfriend/girlfriend, child, parent… whomever. Order HereThe cards come packaged in a handy envelope-like box so you’ll be able to find them again when you are next wondering about how to validate, or notice and name that behaviour you are struggling to come to grips with.Produced in collaboration with Seastar Education Consulting, the cards will set you back a mere $20 a set (plus $5 postage and handling).  We’ve all had the experience of losing touch with the content of a workshop we attended, no matter how engaging.  With these cards, you’ll be reminded of the skills you’ve learnt while going deeper and stay in touch with practical communication essentials that are key to being a great facilitator.

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Groupwork Centre Blog

Groupwork Centre’s Microskills Card Deck

For those of you who still reach into the “deck of microskill cards” that exist within your heads, or perhaps in your notebook from one of the courses you have done with Groupwork, here now, is the REAL thing!

We’ve produced a physical card-deck of 10 of the most popular microskills. These can become a vital tool to help you practice your facilitation before you brave the dynamics in the next group you find yourself working with.  The Microskills Cards may also be  helpful as you contemplate your next ‘courageous conversation’ with your boss, boyfriend/girlfriend, child, parent… whomever.The cards come packaged in a handy envelope-like box so you’ll be able to find them again when you are next wondering about how to validate, or notice and name that behaviour you are struggling to come to grips with.Produced in collaboration with Seastar Education Consulting, the cards will set you back a mere $25 a set.  We’ve all had the experience of losing touch with the content of a workshop we attended, no matter how engaging.  With these cards, you’ll be reminded of the skills you’ve learnt while going deeper and stay in touch with practical communication essentials that are key to being a great facilitator.

Order here

There’s a summary of each microskill on one side
Ideas for putting it into practice on the other

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