Alumni network – Facilitators’ Practice Circle – Man box, woman mould: Stereotypes and power

See all: Alumni, Short Courses

Facilitation Practice Circles are a space to deep dive, explore and practice our facilitation. In this Facilitators’ Practice Circle, we’d like to shine a light on hidden power and what it takes to be MORE inclusive.

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Apologies this workshop has been postponed until later this year, watch this space plus our socials for the rescheduled date, time and location.

Collaborate with diversity, inclusivity and audience-specific communication

Many of our behaviours and attitudes are unconscious. Even when we have developed self-awareness and believe in gender equity, our lives, language and actions are affected by other people’s expectations, unspoken rules and the fear of looking weak or unattractive.

In this Facilitators’ Practice Circle, we’d like to shine a light on hidden power and what it takes to be MORE inclusive.

  • Develop awareness of the Man Box and Woman Mould restrictions
  • Build resilience and confidence to notice and name tricky gender equity situations
  • Practice language and skills to address unspoken rules

Details for this in person workshop:

Date: Apologies, this workshop is postponed until later this year.

Time: TBA

Venue: TBA

Who is this for: Alumni who want to practice and learn with other facilitators.

Your facilitator for this workshop: Janoel Liddy (her bio is in the sidebar)

Maximum group size is 25

Tiered Pricing: (requires coupon code at checkout)

  1. We’ve got you! – $35: We think professional development and networking opportunities with people who speak our language is critical for everyone. We don’t want money to be a barrier to access. We can’t afford for many people to choose this price, but it’s there for those who need it.
  2. Got it covered! – $60: This price is what we need at a minimum to break even. If most people choose this, we’d be okay – as long as we get minimum numbers (8).
  3. Breathing space! – $75: This price covers our costs and gives us a little extra to ensure we are sustainable and support the development of new work and opportunities. If you can, we’d love you to choose this price.
  4. Love your work! – $100: This price is a way of supporting the Alumni Project and saying thanks for doing this – because you can. And you’re helping others access this opportunity.

If you can’t decide what to pay Breathing Space is the one to choose.

Once you have decided please enter the following coupon code at checkout:

Tier Code
We’ve got you! – $35 WGU
Got it covered! – $60 COV
Breathing space! – $75 SPA
Love your work! – $100 LUV

See our Privacy and Refund Policies

We hope you can join us.

Course Content

Many of our behaviours and attitudes are unconscious. Even when we have developed self-awareness and believe in gender equity, our lives, language and actions are affected by other people’s expectations, unspoken rules and the fear of looking weak or unattractive.

What will attendees gain?


  • Skills refresh
  • Connection to other facilitators
  • Practice
  • New ideas
Held at Epoch Institute South Melbourne.
See more about our delightful spaces for training.

Pricing Information

Enter Coupon Code at checkout for your selected price tier

Tier Code
We’ve got you! – $35 WGU
Got it covered! – $60 COV
Breathing space! – $75 SPA
Love your work! – $100 LUV

Payment via Direct Transfer

If you prefer to pay by direct transfer into our account, please use the following information:

Account Name: Groupwork Centre Inc BSB 013 375 Account No 4193-55011

Paying by invoice

Please complete the information fields above, then click on Make Booking. We will email your tax invoice to you.

Refund Policy

Upon enrolment, you agree to the cost of this course. All course fees are to be paid prior to the course commencement date.

A 100% refund of the fees paid will be given when we receive notice of your cancellation more than one calendar month prior to the commencement date. If a cancellation is received within the calendar month prior to the commencement date, and your place within the course can be replaced, your fees will be refunded less a $50 administration fee. If your place cannot be filled then your course fee will be forfeited.

If you have any questions about the payment process or the course, please contact us.

  • Price: $100

    inc GST