Are you exhausted by your work in groups?

What do you do when you're drained by the groups you're responsible for?

Here's Tiffany's story:"I run therapeutic groups and activities with people in the early days of withdrawal from substance use. I work with new people every week. In the early days, I found my role difficult; it was very emotional and I would arrive home exhausted. I wondered if this work was right for me. I was skilled and I liked my job but I felt I needed to develop my communication skills to look after myself in this work.In 2017 I enrolled in the Advanced Diploma of Group Facilitation with the Groupwork Centre. Over the year I learnt so much about myself as well as many new facilitation techniques. I had regular opportunities to practise with my peers in the course. I formed close friendships and supportive work relationships with the group.I started to understand more about the facilitator role, noticing my reactions when things were happening in the group. I was learning how to manage myself, while supporting the important work of the group.

As a graduate I now have many skills to help me run my groups, especially when things get tricky.I'm able to set clear boundaries that help the group stay focused.

I can be more present - for the whole group and for each personI work gently with the group, being careful to hear each member and helping them hear each other. I use a lot of validation and normalisation.I know how important self-care is, and practice it regularly.

When things get tricky I slow down.I'm honest about my role in the group and the things I do and don’t know.I have more confidence as a facilitator and I now have many techniques I can use when running my groups.

I'm happy to say I’m enjoying my work now and I’ve recently received a decent pay rise!"Gotta love a story with a happy ending. Thanks so much, Tiffany, for taking the time to share your story with us!

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