Henry Fowkes


  • Advanced Diploma in Group Facilitation, Groupwork Centre

  • Advanced clinical training in Relational Gestalt Psychotherapy

  • Group Psychotherapy: Group Leadership & Facilitation at The Australian Institute of Counselling in Addictions

  • Masters of Business Administration, University of Tasmania

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Hons. University of Tasmania

  • Open Floor Movement Practice Teacher, Open Floor International

Henry is an experienced group facilitator, educator and coach with a background in youth facilitation, psychotherapy, engineering, and has worked for Groupwork since 2014. His approach is grounded in awareness, connection, and compassion. 

Henry is engaging, adaptable, down-to-earth and skilful in all the roles he inhabits. He thrives on spontaneity and what is ‘alive’ in a room. He has facilitated trainings, workshops and retreats across various sectors over the past 15 years. 

A big part of Henry’s work over the last decade at Groupwork has been supporting groups and individuals to navigate complex scenarios and supporting group facilitators to grow through experiential training and coaching in our short courses and advanced facilitation program. 

Henry’s fascination with groups and the human experience has led him to become a teacher of Open Floor Movement Practice and a Gestalt psychotherapist. He practises independently and integrates this into his approach in his work at Groupwork Centre.



Interested in working with Henry or any other members of our facilitation team?